Sirpa Pääkkö

Looking for Susanna

Sometimes I feel guilty, like I haven’t got the right to enter her space. The more time I spend with ‘Susanna’ the more familiar I feel at being with her. Sometimes I feel strongly that I am an outsider in her life. ‘Susanna’ needs my eye looking at her. She needs me to prove she’s alive.

Sometimes I feel that capturing the image/memory is more important to me than the actual photograph. Because of simplicity of the pinhole camera, it feels more part of me. My memories are framing and composing my work; my hands are controlling the light, which is stored in the negative. The whole result comes from me. Also, the duration of taking the image is longer and because of that I'm forced to stay in the place longer. I’m not just walking past. I start feeling the space and many times, the emptiness of it, the quietness of it, and the way it relates to loneliness is what I’m after.
